Photoacoustic Extinctiometer
The PAX is a sensitive, high-resolution, fast-response instrument for measuring aerosol optical properties relevant for climate change and carbon particle sensing.
TALK TO AN EXPERTParticle light-scattering and photoacoustic absorption
- Modulated diode laser simultaneously measures light scattering and absorption.
- Absorbing particles heat up and quickly transfer heat to the surrounding air. The periodic heating produces pressure waves that can be detected with a sensitive microphone and quantified to determine aerosol light absorption.
- Wide-angle integrating reciprocal nephelometer measures the light scattering coefficient of all particles.
- PAX laser wavelength options include:
- Red (870 nm) ¬– absorption is highly specific for black carbon (soot) particles; scattering best for large particles
- Green (532 nm) – measures in the visual range, typically what the human eye observes
- Blue (405 nm) – absorption correlates to the organic, or brown carbon content; efficient scattering for fine and ultrafine particles
Parameter | Specification |
Measured Parameters | Absorption coefficient, Babs Scattering coefficient, Bscat |
Auxiliary Parameters | Temperature Pressure Relative Humidity |
Derived Parameters | Black carbon (BC) mass Extinction coefficient, Bext Single scattering albedo, SSA Dew Point |
Measurement Range – Absorption and Scattering | < 1 Mm-1 – 10,000 Mm-1 (870 nm, 60 sec. averaging) |
Laser | 870 nm (1.4 W) Modulation Frequency: 1500 Hz nominal, square wave |
Angular Integration for Scattering | 6° to 174° |
Sample Flow | 1 L/min Flow Control: Critical orifice Diaphragm Pump |
Response Time | < 10 sec; one-second resolution |
Data Averaging Time | 1, 10 or 60 seconds, user selectable |
Zero Check | On demand, or automated at user selectable interval at 5, 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes. Zero check with high-efficiency filtered air sample. |
Front Panel Features |
Rear Panel Connections |
Data Storage Capacity | > 200 days |
Communications Output | Ethernet 100/10 Mbps, RS-232 Serial |
Power Requirements | 90 – 264 V, 47 – 63 Hz (AC Power) or 12 VDC Power Consumption 45 W |
Dimensions | 18 cm H x 48 cm W x 61 cm D (7" H x 19" W x 24" D); rack mountable |
Weight | 18 kg (40 lb) |
Environmental Operating Conditions | Temperature: 0 – 40°C (32 – 104°F) RH: 0 – 90% RH non-condensing |
Computer Requirements for PMC Software (Computer not included) |
Hard-shell shipping case suitable for frequent travel
PM 1.0 cyclone inlet (1 liter/min) for particle size selection
PM 2.5 cyclone inlet (1 liter/min) for particle size selection
The Lifecycle Care Program ensures PAX integrity and performance vital to your research mission for 3 years or 3 calls (whichever comes first). When conducting complex and time intensive laboratory or field measurements it is critical to avoid down time, and ensure data collection accuracy. The program consists of 3 key deliverables for each year or call:
- Instrument Logistics
- Instrument Integrity
- Instrument Performance
Lifecycle Care Program Includes:
- Shipping to and from Droplet Measurement Technologies facility
- Customs handling, including CARNET ATA if required
- Incoming instrument evaluation and health check
- Software and firmware validation
- 100%-unit functionality test
- Calibration data
- Calibration report
- Certificate of calibration
At times, our technician might discover an instrument issue, which might not be covered by the Lifecycle Care Program or by our product warranty. In such case we will reach out to you with a service & repair estimate to allow you to provide us with the next steps of action.