Bioaerosols are everywhere in the atmosphere, and they have a significant impact on both the environment and human health – including allergies and the transmission of disease. Because bioaerosols can cause agricultural decline, they also have critical economic implications for our world.
Discoveries that matter
Until recently, the understanding of physical and chemical processes involving bioaerosols has been limited due to a lack of instrumentation capable of characterizing particles with sufficient time and size resolution. Modern bioaerosol detection and quantification techniques (e.g. cultivation techniques, microscopy) are time consuming, tedious, costly, and biased. Droplet provides real-time detection of bioaerosols using ultraviolet light-induced fluorescence (UV-LIF).

Prussin II, Aaron & Marr, Linsey. (2015). Sources of airborne microorganisms in the built environment. Microbiome. 3. 10.1186/s40168-015-0144-z.

Wei, Min & Xu, Caihong & Chen, Jian-Min & Zhu, Chao & Li, Jiarong & Lv, Ganglin. (2017). Characteristics of bacterial community in cloud water at Mt Tai: Similarity and disparity under polluted and non-polluted cloud episodes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 17. 5253-5270. 10.5194/acp-17-5253-2017.
"To this end, these findings suggest that a composite analysis of wideband UV-LIF, as referenced to robust bioaerosol libraries, offers a promising approach to help better characterize airborne particulate matter in the laboratory as well as during wide-area environmental surveillance."
-Hernandez, M. et al., Atmospheric Measurement Techniques READ ARTICLEFeatured Product

WIBS-5 Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor
Used to detect and classify particles as biological or non-biological origin in order to identify biological particles that can be detrimental to human health.
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