Bioaerosols, or primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP), have a significant impact on the relationships between our atmosphere, climate, biosphere, and public health. Pollen, airborne bacteria, fungal spores, and other bioparticles have many roles in the Earth system. The reproduction and proliferation of organisms across ecosystems. The beginning or spread of various diseases. Even the formation of cloud droplets, ice crystals, and precipitation that impact our climate. Droplet’s portfolio of bioaerosol instruments enable:
Real-time, single-particle measurements of atmospheric bacteria, molds, pollen, and other bioaerosols.
Classification of type of material based on size, relative measure of shape, and fluorescent properties
Utility for detection of biological warfare agents, analysis of PBAP in atmospheric science, and selective monitoring and identification of allergens
Explore the research applications
“Atmospheric particles of biological origin, also referred to as bioaerosols or primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP), are important to various human health and environmental systems.”
-Nicole J. Savage et al., Atmospheric Measurement Techniques READ ARTICLEFeatured Product

WIBS-5 Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor
Used to detect and classify particles as biological or non-biological origin in order to identify biological particles that can be detrimental to human health.
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